Monday, February 13, 2006

Weird Winter

I started writing this message last Friday. I suppose this could have been a contributing factor to our recent weather situation. Here’s what I started with. And a before picture...

This is our third winter on Long Island. We are now in February and it has only snowed twice with any accumulation. The first time was two weeks before Christmas. Jonah was very excited and wore his pajamas inside out to bed in hopes that this would make for a snow-day. I’m guessing this is an east coast thing. It must have worked to a certain extent because they had a two hour delay the next morning. (Jonah continued to where his pajamas inside out for the next week in hopes of a full day off. No such luck.)

The second session of snow gave us two to three inches. Finally!!! Winter is here! Jonah and Brielle were elated. The slope in our front yard was perfect for sledding for the kids. They had a blast playing in the snow and had to make a few snow angels as well.

Two days later it rained. All the snow went away. We still have no snow.

The kids are kind of disappointed that they haven’t been able to play out in the snow. Jonah, more than Brielle. She doesn’t really get it yet.

The other day we received in the mail some gardening and landscaping catalogs from my Mom in Michigan. She put some notes on different plants we could use in our landscape-challenged yard. This gave us the urge for spring. Nice green plants, new flowers, birds singing… We’ve had our heads in the catalogs for the past week, ear marking pages for further analysis and dreaming of the warmer days to come. (The temperatures have been in the upper 40’s and has reached 60 a number of times.)

Since receiving the catalogs the temperatures have been in the 20’s and 30’s. “It’s beginning to feel a lot like Winter….”

Of course now it wants to be more like winter when I’m craving for it to be spring to make the yard look much nicer…

As I wrote the previous text I hit the site to see what was coming out way. They were predicting 12 – 18 inches of snow. Well, they said this before and we received 2 inches and it melted the next day…

This time the weather men were right. We received around 14 inches of snow throughout the night and most of the day yesterday. Jonah was excited for all the snow and had the foresight before bed to turn his clothes inside out. This helped to get another 2 hour delay. I was also hoping for a snow day. The lab ended up being closed until 12:00. At least a half day could be spent with the family where I’d otherwise be trapped in a cramped office…

It was nice getting to see the yard blanketed in the pretty white snow. Not so nice trying to move the drifted snow off the driveway. I’m still a little sore but at least my back didn’t get screwed up again.

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