No, it wasn't the Sandman, early Easter Bunny, late Cupid. It was none other than everyone's favorite religious visitor... The Jehova's Witness...
Let me start off by saying I have NOTHING against other religions in general. I respect that other people may have a different religion from my own. I even have a smidgion of curiosity about the differences between religions (not enough to sit and chat about it, the internet is enough for me...).

That being said. I can understand to a certain extent why people feel the need to sell the Lord door to door. I suppose for some that have no belief in a higher power it is a welcome distraction from their daily lives that may be overwhelming at times. (I'm practicing being optimistic.) In our case, they couldn't help but see my Angel wind chime as they climbed the stairs. It's quite pretty... I'm not an atheist or Satan Worshiper. (We have no cats hanging from trees and all of the Halloween decorations went away right after that holiday.)
I'm secure in my faith and happy to be blissfully ignorant of other religions around me. So when they come a knocking, I don't feel like answering. In this case, Holly didn't feel like answering. This is for several reasons.
- Brielle is sick and was finally taking her nap
- The Dogs bark ALOT when people are at the door. When we order Pizza or are expecting company, the dogs get sequestered outside or in a locked bedroom.
- Holly is also trying to work during this time. She can only get her work done while Brielle sleeps.
Holly handled the whole situation very well. She cracked the door open, apologize for not being able to talk as her daughter just went down for her nap and the dogs are making too much noise for that to continue much longer. She asked for their literature and they went on their way.
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