Brielle has always been a very healthy girl. She currently has a pretty nasty cough and fever, so Holly took her to the doctor to see about some medication. Holly, Brielle and Jonah made the trek to the doctor. Everything went fine they were both on their best behavior; even though Brie was feeling pretty cruddy.

They received the customary prescription for Amoxicillin, which seems to be the cure-all for child infections, then headed for the pharmacy.
Here’s where everything falls apart. First off, the Rite-aid where we get our prescriptions filled has their pharmacy as far back as possible in the store to promote sales of other items. I understand the marketing aspects of this but if you think about what service they are providing, it for people that aren’t really feeling all that well. They then have to walk through the store infecting others that may be shopping for other things. This is probably a topic for another time, it’s not the main focus of this discussion but it certainly wasn’t a helpful factor either.
When Brielle doesn’t feel well she wants to be held constantly. So Holly was forced to haul the kids through the store to the back counter.
They were more than happy to fill the prescription but wanted to see the insurance card. Brielle was not on record yet for any prescriptions. Unfortunately Holly did not have her card with her, but she and Jonah have had numerous prescriptions filled which keeps the insurance information right on the computer. Ah, the Information Age…
This is where crabby pharmacy girl takes her leap of ignorance. She was insisting upon having the actual card, which Holly didn’t have with her. Of course the children at this point were not going to be helpful to the situation; with Brie, not feeling well and whiny and Jonah deciding to test his boundaries to see how far away he could wander before Mom yelled at him… Holly, keeping her cool, stated that she and Jonah have both had prescriptions filed before here and everything should be on the computer.
The girl agreed, but said that the information on the computer is confidential and that she couldn’t just look it up. She then said it would be faster if she had the card.
So Holly, trying to be helpful without sounding patronizing said it wouldn’t be faster considering she would have to go home with a sick child and drag them all back to the store again. Then Holly suggested that the girl pull up Holly’s current prenatal prescription and copy the insurance information down.
The girl, now red faced, agreed and set up the prescription. Apparently it takes two hours to mix up amoxicillin. So Holly went home and asked me to pick up the prescription on the way home.
I went in to pick it up only to wait for them to mix it and put it in the bottle… What took two hours? I thought the medication was a powder which is then mixed with something, probably water to make the magic liquid. I didn’t ask, I just wanted to get home to my family.
Just another breakdown of customer service. What happened to the days of trying to do whatever it takes to make the customer happy? Dead and gone they may be.
A quick FYI... There's a new Rant on my other page. Feel free to check it out HERE.
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