We found that the house had a good amount of spiders taking up residence both inside and outside of the house. We made quick order of evicting the eight legged intruders from within the house. Most of these were standard house spiders but some were huge nasty looking ones. (yes, I’m a little arachnophobic..)

After a little research on the web, we found that these are not the brown recluse that we had originally thought. They are commonly mistaken for them but they are actually a grass spider. These are the ones that make the conical shaped webs you find in shrubs that are about the size of a silver dollar.
Yet again, Home Depot bound…
We picked up three bottles of bug killer. It had spiders listed as well and it said to soak the area along the foundation. I not only soaked the foundation, but any and all spider weds I came across in the process. As I traversed the yard I can honestly say that I killed at least 100 spiders around the outside of the house. Many of the over-grown bushes had four or more webs in them.
As the mists of the battle dissipated, I found no more of the creepy critters crawling anywhere. There have been very few found in the house since, but I am ever vigilant and have my trusty spray bottle ready. As I’ve proven, I’m not afraid to use it. AH! Get it OFF ME!!!!
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