I'm pretty sure I said that at his age as well, but I don't fall for it any more than my parents did. If we are feeling especially generous we'll give him a choice of grapes, banana or raisins. All of these he normal wants in abundance, suddenly become the worst thing he's ever tasted.
"Can I have a popsicle?"
"No, you can have some grapes."
"I Don't want grapes!"
I don't want to be so darned good looking but I have to live with it, so can you..." He never finds this comment funny... Neither does Holly....
"Can I have some yogurt?" This is the Trix variety which tastes more like ice-cream than like the yogurt I grew up on. I will sometimes fold on this one, but...
"How about some raisins?" I ask.
"I hate raisins!"
"Then you must not be very hungry..."
"Don't bother, she's going to give you the same answers as I am..."
"AWWWW!" The sound of stomping feet, and flopping down on the couch to watch more mind numbing cartoons.

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Not sure if you caught the pilot for Big Love on HBO, a show about old school mormons out in utah. It was pretty addictive, to see how the husband dealt with three wives and 7 kids - I know what you are thiking Gibbs - the 3 wives thing is every mans dream - and was for about the first 10 minutes of this show - then it was normal freakshow wife issues times 3.
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