I hadn't noticed how many Blue Jays that we have flying around our yard until recently. Apparently they must take off for the winter too. The Cardinals are pretty much the only birds that I've seen all winter long. We even have a lone Mockingbird hanging around looking for a mate. Good luck!
We are starting to examine our yard a little more carefully now to see what we have and what we'd like to do to make our landscaping a bit more our own. We have some overgrown bushes that we will either shop the hell out of, or remove completely. The jury is currently out on this one.
I would like to get some actual grass to grow in our back yard. It is mostly sand and back rocks right now. I'm guessing that at one time, the hill that our house is built on had been a sand dune. We have all kinds of small stones and beach-like sand in our back yard. Since it is mostly shady back there, grass doesn't have much of a chance of growing. So we are looking into types of plants that enjoy the low-light environment.
I'll start snapping photos of the current landscape this weekend and start posting some of them out here. Maybe some of you will have some tips to share as well...
As always, enjoy a little Calvin & Hobbes for today...

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