Here's a topic I have yet to bring up...
How many of you out there believe in ghosts? I should probably be leaving this topic for around Halloween, but since it's so far off at this point, why bother waiting?
I have had very little, if no, experience with the supernatural. I have only one story that fits into this situation and that was dealing with a Ouija Board.

New Years Eve, 1987
A High School friend of mine Cory and I were going to celebrate the New Year eating Pizza and watching MTV ring in the new year. My parents were out at a friends house celebrating the new year so we had the place to ourselves. My house was in a decent sized neighborhood, the house was ranch built in the early 60's by my parents. The house was not haunted and no supernatural things had ever happened there to the best of my knowledge.
Considering I was a pretty straight-laced kid I wasn’t the type to go out drinking can carrying on or even sneaking a little drink here and there out of my parents liquor cabinet. (They had, and still have, this old wardrobe converted to a liquor cabinet in the living room.) I was happy not to get involved with all that until I was older, which I still never went overboard on the drinking.
This particular evening we decided to play around with the Ouija board. I don't know how many of you have ever used a Ouija board, or anything like it, but it’s pretty strange. You have this device called a Planchette. It’s a small heart shaped device with three small pegs tipped with felt for legs. A small circle towards the point is cut into the small table like device to show the letter that the “spirits” are pointing to for communication.
At first the thing didn’t move at all. We sat on the floor with our legs crossed facing one another. The board rests on both of your knees with only your fingertips lightly touching the edges of the planchette. Slowly but surely the pointer started to move. We kept asking if there were any spirits with us, as the small felt tipped pegs slid slowly in a circle around the board.
After a few minutes of slowly gaining more and more speed we asked again if there was someone who would like to communicate. The planchette slid to the word “Yes” at the corner of the board.
Now throughout this entire circling-the-board thing I watched carefully as did Cory to me to see if either of us were the one’s moving the board. Neither of us could tell if the other was truly moving the device. We really wanted to see if this worked so we trusted that neither of us was trying to pull one over on the other.
Unfortunately I no longer recall any of the stupid questions that we asked. However, I do recall that the planchette was moving faster and faster after we would stop for a few minutes to think of more questions to ask. Instead of just circling the board, it now moved in a figure 8 around the board.
Each time we came up with more questions and set the board back up there was no wait time at all. It would immediately start sliding in the figure eight and seemed to move a little more erratically each time.
The final time that we paused to think of more questions it was nearly 1:00 am. While discussing what our next questions would be the lights went out with the sound of a kachunk as if the power switch . located in the basement beside the breaker box was pulled.
Now this wasn’t the normal, lights flicked off and back on again like you see in the movies. It was as if someone hit that main power switch. The power was out for only a second or so when the corresponding kachunk returned with the lights back on and the furnace blower kicking into motion.
If it were possible for our eyes to bug out of their sockets, they would have at that moment. Wide-eyed we both looked down at the board at our feet contemplating what caused this temporary power loss.
Our first inclination of course was that the spirit we were speaking with wanted to communicate more. We put the board back on our knees… STUPID! And put our finger tips back on the planchette. (this is where the movie goers would be yelling at the stupid people to leave well enough alone.
The Planchette started moving right away again. We asked if it had caused something to happen to let us know it wanted to talk to us. It pointed to “Yes’ immediately, then spelled out L-I-G-H-T-S.
We prompted let go of the planchette and threw the board back in the box.
I’ve never had an experience like this before, but my parents in the late 60’s early 70’s used to play with one at their friends house. I'll chat about that one tomorrow.
Anyone else have experience with these things? Or have any spooky stories of their own? I know my friends Pete and Autumn have a number of stories that they could share. Please feel free to post some if you get the chance guys. I’d like to hear them again and I’m sure others would be interested as well…
Till later…