As I was saying... He thinks of things on multiple levels which amazes me... We were watching something on television the other evening, and he made a comment about how before Adam and Eve sinned everything was in black and white. Then everything was color after the original sin.
Where this came from, I have no idea... But anyone that has any background with religion and knows the story of original sin will have an idea of what this is about. I was floored. That a 6-year-old would come up with such a comment really made me think about it in a different way.
A couple of years ago when Jonah was in Pre-K, they were learning about music. Beethoven to be more specific. Jonah commented that Beethoven's music was rather dark. We asked if his teachers had said this, and he said no, that it was dark like the basement to him...
Another music angle on this was even earlier. Holly and I were married in 2002. Jonah was 3. For a while before the wedding, we had different kinds of classical music playing in the car, trying to figure out what chamber music to use during the ceremony. Pachelbel's Cannon in D was one such piece. About 2 years after we were married, Jonah was humming the tune in the back seat on the way to or from somewhere. Holly was surprised that he remembered the tune.
He just said that he liked it.
I'm going to start putting more of his deep thoughts out here to both remember the moments and share with all of you. The boy is definately bright, there's no doubt about that.
Jonah has also taken to writing books. We have been encouraging him to do so and he's becoming quite the artist now as well... I'll be publishing a few of his books on the web in the near future. He's very excited about making these books and thinks it's great that I'll put his stories on the web.
When it comes to questions that Jonah asks, sometimes its more fun to make things up. This is too close to reality...

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