Friday, April 07, 2006

Parenting 101: Testing Boundaries

Why do kids have to test their boundaries?

After a certain age, they just won't take our word on much of anything. Jonah has moved into this phase with full force. Testing every last nerve possible and then some. Since Holly is pregnant, her nerves are at the frazzled level already... So when the testing starts, it is not pretty...

More and more every day, I come to realize what my parents had to go through when I was a child. It's amazing that I'm alive today thinking of some of the things that I did as a kid. I don't know how they made it through any of it either. I've been noticing more and more grey hairs as I look in the mirror. I suppose keeping my hair shorter makes it a little less noticeable.

I don't know how Holly does it. She doesn't have a single grey hair and has all this turmoil going on around her. She's definitely a pillar of strength during these troubling times of parenting. We count ourselves very fortunate that our kids are as good as they are.

We see some of the kids that Jonah goes to school with and how they act and thank God that we don't have to deal with some of those issues. Then watching a show like Nanny 911 or Super Nanny make us count our blessings even more. There are some very testing children out there...

Jonah has tried something similar to this comic in the past... It works as well for him as it does for Calvin...

Have a great weekend!!!

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