Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Parenting 101: Home Improvement

Improving the home is generally a good thing. Trying to repair things yourself can be fun... when things go right.

The recent installation of exterior lights, with the help of Merlin, went very well. On my own I probably would have had more holes than I could deal with. We still have our projects around the house to work on. Thankfully most of it just has to do with painting. Thankfully that's fairly easy. Picking the colors is another story.

My other project is to finish the floors. Actually the floors are done it's the molding along the baseboards that I need to finish. The one room has them installed. I need to fill the nail holes and paint them. The other room I have to do more precise fitting and nailing. I'll be pre-painting these to make the job go a little more smoothly. We'll see how this one turns out.

The kids are generally pretty good while we are trying to improve the house. Keeping the tools out of their reach is a challenge of course. Jonah is very interested in painting, but we are reluctant to hand over a brush anytime soon. Maybe if everything were covered with tarps... including ourselves.

Brielle just wants to be in the middle of it all... She's the uber-helper. Wants to get into it all and help, help, help... Most of the time it's the opposite of help and makes more work for us, but it's awesome that she wants to help none-the-less.

At least the kids aren't too destructive. Messy most of the time, but not destructive... Unlike our little friend Calvin...

Hope you are all enjoying these.

Have a great day!

It's raining here on Long Island today with some mixed snow. BRRRrrrrr.

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