Why you ask? Well lets put the equation together.
I have a 7 year old boy who, if given the opportunity, would stay firmly attached to any visual device that entertains. Television, Playstation, Gameboy, DVD player... Anything that will make him transform into vegetation, he's in to.
I also have a 2 1/2 year-old girl who loves to get out of the house. She doesn't want to stay home at all. She wants to walk around town, go to the store or just do anything to not be home. When we start going back home, she starts to chant, "No Home, No Home". Which is quickly followed by "Yes Home" from the 7 year-old... Which results in the much anticipated screaming match.
The third, and final, part of the equation is the 3 1/2 month old boy. He pretty much just hangs out. If the trip lasts too long, he lets us know about it. So he's pretty much the neutral party in this.
So we have the Boy who can't stand shopping and will drag his feet and delay the inevitable, all the while ticking off his parents for not listening. Then we have the girl who, not unlike the dogs when they hear the word "food" or "outside", runs and grabs her shoes chanting, "let's go! let's go!"
With this base, I'll leave you to ponder the moments with some Calvin.

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