It's a lot easier to throw some money in a baggie for the kids to get lunch at school, but it's a bit more economical to pack a lunch for them. Whether they eat it or not is another thing all together.
We make a weekly trip to the Warehouse center nearby to pick up many grociery items in bulk. The bulk pack of snack chips for lunches, the puddings and of course drink box/pouches.
Invariably the wrong choice has been made in drink or sandwich ingredients.
Jonah: "I don't like these drinks."
Mom/Dad: "You picked them out at the store,
so you have to finish them before we buy more."
Jonah: "I hate them!"
Mom/Dad: "Sorry, you will have to make do."
What we usually find out at this point is that he chose this particular drink because of the cool pictures on it. Not the flavors.
The same thing goes for Cereal. We recently went to the store and Jonah really wanted the Cocoa Pebbles. No complaint from me, I grew up on the stuff (although fruity pebbles in my opinion are much better.)
The next morning I get breakfast ready for everyone and Jonah doesn't want the Cocoa Pebbles. Holly and I remind him that he chose them. The then he discloses that he just wanted the toy that came with it...

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